Individual healing sessions

Kirsty works with individuals in a wide variety of ways, and the trajectory of a session will vary from client to client and from session to session. The common thread running through the work is that you will connect into your body and find and gently release whatever your body is ready to let go of that day. In some cases that may be a cycle of physical pain that is misfiring in your body; in others it may be that old, unprocessed emotions or trauma have become active and are influencing how you experience the world around you today.

Some sessions are more ‘shamanic’ in focus – where Kirsty works directly with your body’s bioelectrical system to identify, heal and release anything that may be distracting your body from functioning optimally. Others are more ‘somatic’ where you take the lead in connecting with your body, engaging with your internal compass and identifying and releasing the pyscho-emotional roots of ill health.

The goal is to harness your innate wisdom to align your experience today with your vision for the future.

A dieta is a shamanic practice for learning directly from the environment around you. On dieta you open a healing or learning relationship with a specific teacher, often a plant, and you learn directly from that teacher. This advanced level technique is available to students who have cultivated a deep practice of internal listening and who are committed to furthering their shamanic practice by moving away from human teachers and towards a more direct relationship with their connection to source.


For students on this path Kirsty provides a comprehensive framework of support with regular energy work and mentoring so that you feel confident and supported as you cultivate your own, truly authentic, mode of shamanic practice.
Mentoring and Coaching

Kirsty provides a mentoring service for people as they actively embrace and move into new ways of being. This service is popular among graduates of her courses, people who have completed shamanic dietas and for formerly sick clients who are now enjoying a healthy life.

The type of support provided will be tailored to your particular needs and often involves the cultivation of gifts and talents that have emerged in the healing process.
Shamanic breathwork for pregnancy and childbirth

Kirsty will support you in entering into a new relationship with your body as it prepares for the arrival of your child (or children). You will:

    • Learn new ways of relating to your body’s innate wisdom
    • Gently clear any traumas that would otherwise interfere with your enjoyment of pregnancy and labour
    • Embrace your body and your baby (or babies) as valued partners in childbirth

A four-session Pregnancy Program is available to pregnant people. A six-session Pregnancy & Partner Program includes an additional two sessions to support and prepare the birth partner who will be accompanying you on this journey.